When I chose to write about this topic, “The benefits of outdoor learning”, I thought it would be easy. Those of us in the industry of outdoor education see the benefits all the time, we see the transformations, the developmental journeys kids experience while on camp, and we hope they take it all home and it makes a difference in their lives.

There are numerous sources outlining the various benefits of outdoor learning and with the invasion of screens into our daily lives, we know it is more important than ever to make sure kids are getting outside. But what does outdoor learning really mean?

Outdoor learning is defined by the Institute for Outdoor Learning as, “a broad term that includes discovery, experimentation, learning about and connecting to the natural world, and engaging in adventure activities and outdoor sports.”

The Australian Curriculum described it as, “The development of positive relationships with others and with the environment through interaction with the natural world… These relationships are essential for the wellbeing and sustainability of individuals, society and our environment.”

Nature Play QLD outlines some of the key benefits as:

The are benefits are really infinite and each child will take something different from their experiences in nature. All we need to remember is that it is good for them, really good for them, for their health, their relationships and for the future of the environment. Treasure the opportunities for outdoor learning, don’t let them pass you by.


The Benefits of Outdoor Learning Garapine Outdoor Education Centre









